Look Into Your Heart

Saturday, January 12, 2013

That is exactly what they did, they looked into my heart and I had that song stuck in my head the whole time ha. The Echo Cardiogram went fine and the MCV location at Stony Point is very nice. I was able to park at the entrance with no hassle and they called for me before I was even able to turn on my kindle. The Echo was actually pretty cool. They put these sticker type things on my chest to monitor my heart and then the technician (not sure her exact title but I know she wasnt a doctor) took the ultrasound stick and placed it around my chest taking pictures of my heart in different locations and taking recordings of it beating. It was a long process but the technician was very nice, she was also a Berry but from PA so no relation to our NC clan, and I watched some of the screening of my heart. It was amazing to see this organ that is basically keeping me alive at work. Its kind of hokey but watching my heart beat and working hard made me appreciate my body more and want to take better care of it.

After the appointment I was exhausted and still sore from the bone marrow biopsy so I went home and took a long nap. I have never been a nap person before so it is very strange for me to go to bed during the day but I am handling this transition pretty well so far haha. Most of my naps though have been interrupted by phone calls for appointments or trying to find records. They stiiiiilllll do not have my PET scan results. Dad decided to go over to Henrico Doctors himself and get a copy and he faxed them to Dr. Wiedl, hopefully we will hear something on Monday regarding them. I also found out that I have to be at MCV for my surgery on Monday at the lovely time of 5:30am. Who knew they even did surgeries this early!? Oh well, at least this means getting it over with sooner and not having to go through the day without being able to eat and being anxious. Right now I am feeling pretty good about Monday and I am hoping this feeling will stay. I had a rough time chemotionally a couple of weeks ago the day before I thought they were putting the port in and I really do not feel like going through that again. I think now though since I have gone through so many more appointments and have had more time to come to terms with it I will be okay. It is what it is and there is nothing to do about it but face it head on!!


  1. In honor of Destiny's Child getting back together, and you feeling chemotional:


    It's just Chemooooootion! XOXOXO! Your appointment on Monday will go off without a hitch! And yay for your transition to a nap person! We've been waiting for you :)

  2. I wish for you that you never had to write this blog, but I so appreciate that you have opened yourself up to doing so. Continual prayers every step of this journey. Do not forget how strong and beautiful you are!
    Sarah Elliott (Mike's wife

  3. I just found out my friend. I'm so sad you're going through this. I send love, hugs and prayers from NOVA. You rock, and I know you'll beat this. Holding you in the light today, and each day forward in this journey. Love and miss you, Tracey

  4. Bahaha Thanks Crares!! Definitely will be a chemotional theme song... Thank you Sarah and Tracey!! I really appreciate all of your support and prayers!
